Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Loyalty Required for MP Priesthood

Loyalty to 'Pat' Kyrill, TILL DEATH!.. before being ordained in the MP

Sounds like more or less, what our/my former bishop, (and long time, personal FRIEND), Kyrill-Dmitrieff was demanding of men, BEFORE he ordained them, or received them into his diocese, as the pro-union plot was unfolding.

In addition to assuring him, they they were 100% obedient and loyal to himself (first of all), they had to also promise him, if he ordained them, that they would promise to commemorate, 'Patriarch Kyrill' and support the coming union!

Also, any of his existing clergy, sell-out to the KGB run MP, Kyrill-Dmitrieff, removed from their posts, if they said that they planned to NOT go along with the union with the MP, nor to commemorate in church, 'His All-Holiness, Patriarch Kyrill'.

ROCOR/MP 'Archbishop' Kyrill-Dmitrieff's egotistical & Roman Catholic like, un-Orthodox vision of 'his' Western American Diocese, .is .. that it is his private feudal kingdom, (his megalomania),...that he OWNS 'his' diocese, i.e., it and all of the clergy and laity in it, their very minds & souls!, and especially all of the church properties, are HIS personal properties, as if by him being the ruling diocesan bishop, that office makes HIM, some sort of feudal Prince.

ROCOR/MP 'Archbishop Of San Fancisco and Western America', Kyrill-Dmitrieff's warped/totalitarian/uncanonical heterodox  vison of an Orthodox bishop, is that ...he... must be served and obeyed, without the slghtest reservation or questioining, by the faithful.

He as a bishop, exists to rule and to lord it over the flock, and to be adored by his peasants.

He has no conception of Christ's admonition:
"Let those who would be first among you, be the SERVANT OF ALL" .....something he never seemed to read in the Bible.

Long before the union, he  already had personality-wise, a perfect mindset for becoming a Sergianist MP 'bishop'.

And so he is quite similar to  his model, Kyrill-Gundaev.. and to the average MP hierarchs.

If you can find a pure English version, this is a VERY good story!

original Russian:
Machine English:

1 comment:

  1. I heard from a Russian who would kill me if I named him that starting with the laurus synod [maybe before] there were no ordinations [at least in the western diocese] unless the candidate secretly agreed to the then secret coming RocorMP union.

    I will say that this Russian was from Mulino and went with Fr. Joseph Sunderland when Rocie was formed, and this secret requirement for Rocor priests was in force already at that time in the western diocese.

    And, yes, that was Bishop Kyrill Dmitrieff. All we have to do is check who was ordained in the western diocese after that time to see who the priests were/are. Did they know they were selling their souls?


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