Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Truth about George Soldatov

My comment about George Soldatov on internertsobor, -which might likely be removed at some point, as it tells too much of the dirty truth-


 # George Soldatov- — Rd. Daniel 31.08.2014 18:34
I may agree with some things that he says, as he is an intelligent man. But I know that for years now, he has been a steady friend of the foes of our ROCA, and a constant critic of our Metropolitan Agafangel, as he was also of my close friend, Eugene Magerovsk, ,[ Vechnaya Pamyat!] who fought for our ROCA and for Met. Agafangel, till his last breath on earth. Recently, Mr. Soldatov has appeared to side with our rivals, RTOC, and ROAC, specifically with Andre Maklakov and his bizarre attacks on our ROCA here in America, and also with this ROAC, "Bishop Andre", Maklakov's UNCALLED FOR interference in our Fairfax, Virginia parish, with our 'retired' unbalanced bishop Joseph (Hrebinka), and his strange and bizarre criticisms of our church, in his confused old aged mind, and of our Metropolitan Agafangel as a 'Soviet Agent' and all of our honorable fellow ROCA bishops, as, 'Cyprianite heretics'. Yet, Bp, Joseph was consecrated a BISHOP BY SIR-Cyprianite hands.! Mr. Soldatov appears as a supporter of all these anti-ROCOR voices, and lame critics....aime d to weaken and destroy our ROCA, at least here in America.
Some of us, suspect, that he is helping the MP, in its efforts at destroying all zarubeshniki opposition to its rule.
What is the truth, Mr. Soldatov?..are you, 'The cat thrown amongst the pigeons', to scatter us all....?
Indignant , in America, Rd. Daniel Everiss...a long time member of ROCOR, with no sympathy for our ignorant critics

 # Dear Vladyka Metropolitan Agafangel- — Rd. Daniel 31.08.2014 22:09

Putin wants Odessa. He wants all of Ukraine in fact.
I see his tanks in front of your St. Michaels's Cathedral.
You yourself are soon, no longer safe there.
And your Ukrainian flock, your clergy and laity,  are sheep for the slaughter.
No Ukrainian army can stop him, nor will the Europeans nor my American military or our pathetic Obama led leftist government do anything serious to halt him. He well knows that fact.
May God stop Putin!...somehow.
But this is what I see.
God help us all!
Putin is bringing destruction and rivers of blood and misery, upon the Ukrainian nation , the Russian nation, and all of Europe.
His model is his idol, Joseph Stalin.
All he speaks are lies, lies, lies, and then, more lies.
But so many common Russians delight in Putin, they delight in war and bloodshed; as does Putin, the lover of war and destruction and blood.
"The bloody and deceitful man, the Lord shall despise, he shall not live out half his days".
"Woe to the people who delight in war!"
Your cathedral shall be leveled to the ground.
With much sorrow....Rd. Daniel

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