Saturday, February 7, 2015

Obama blames the Crusades

AND...."Obama blames the Crusades..... "(!)

A more knowledgable view of history, the 'Crusades' and related history than our pro-Islamic/anti-Christian pathetic president recently declared
Archpriest Eugene Tarris
A little truth to counterbalance our president’s attempt to ‘brainwash’ our less intelligent citizens
A comment: 
But, I must make one major correction to this, otherwise good,  article, as this author does not seem to be Orthodox, or...he seems to accept some sort of ecumenist definition of, 'the Church', because:
The Orthodox Church had zero to do with the Roman Catholic Spanish Inquisition. We had no part in that, as our church suffered many centuries of endless Papist persecutions., ..the Crusades being just a small part of that..
It is still an active historical debate among some Orthodox, especially Greeks, as to which enemy did our church and people more harm over the long centuries, Rome/the Latin Schismatics,[ who blessed and sent the Crusaders] ....  or Islam.
Rd. Daniel

1 comment:

  1. It is just going to get worse. The next U.S. president will be worse.


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