Tuesday, November 22, 2016

wisdom from St. John of Kronstadt

A re-sharing: More wisdom from St. John of Kronstadt

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Dan Everiss

Sun, Nov 20, 2016 at 10:50 PM


"The world is in a state of slumber, of sinful sleep. It sleeps. God rouses it by wars, by deadly epidemics, fires, destructive storms, earthquakes, inundations, bad harvests.""

My Life in Christ, St. John of Kronstadt, page 152

"" e, Lord, is Almighty, because Thou holdest not only heaven and earth, but also all mankind, the life of every man, the hearts of all in Thy Hand; and not only the life of every man, but also of every beast, bird, fish, insect, worm, reptile, and of every infvisibl the eye. Glory to Thine infinite Omnipotence, Lord! Glory to Thine All-merciful, Most-wise, and All-powerful Providence! Lord of heaven and earth! Almighty Sovereign! Thou likewise holdest in Thy Hand all hell, with Satan and his innumerable hordes; and it is only by Thy permission, for our instruction and punishment, that Satan and his angels can lay their snares for us. As soon as we pray to Thee our Saviour, as soon as we unfeignedly repent before Thee of our sins, Thou, having taught us, sendest away our enemies from us, saying: “You have done enough evil to My servants; they belong to Me again.” Thus, Lord, if Thine unceasing benefits and mercies to us do not teach us, what remains to be done? It only remains for Thee to teach us by chastisement, by bitterness, by oppression, by fire, and by our own wickedness - we sensual men, who love ,pace, freedom, vain carnal freshness; who are slothful, negligent, and evil by nature".

My Life in Christ, St. John of Kronstadt.

“We sing the angelic hymn to Thee, O Mighty One! Holy, holy, holy art Thou, O God! Through the Mother of God have mercy upon us” [From the Troparia to the Holy Trinity in the Morning Prayers]. You thus praise God together with the angels [Speaking of a Priest]. You are one assembly, one church, one family of God’s with them by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore you ought also to live like the angels, in constant watchfulness over yourself and the souls of the spiritual children entrusted to your care. You must unceasingly praise and thank the Lord; you must be always striving after holiness; you must live in abstinence and fasting, in all humble-mindedness, obedience, and patience. May it be thus with you, by the Lord’s grace!

My Life in Christ, St. John of Kronstadt, pages 152, 153

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