Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Three articles

Three articles: 1) Saints-Day Honoring of Archbishop Ambrose (Baird) of Methone, Greece & 2) 1944 visit to Mt. Athos, & 3) Catechism: The Incarnation

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Dan Everiss

Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 3:12 PM

Greek GOC: Honoring Archbishop Ambrose (Baird) of Methone, Greece  Автор: Ольга вкл. Author: Olga, inc. 27 декабря 2017 December 27, 2017 . . Опубликовано в ИПЦ Греции (Просмотров: 322) Published in the Greek CPI (Views: 322)

В пятницу 7/20-12-2017 в день празднования Амвросия Медиоланского, архиепископ Метонский Амвросий совершил Праздничную Литургию в монастыре святых Киприана и Иустины в Фили, Аттика.

 On Friday 7 / 20-12-2017 on the day of the celebration of Saint Ambrose of Milan, the Archbishop of Methone, Ambrose (Baird), performed the Liturgy in the monastery of St. Cyprian and Justina in Fili, Attica, Greece.

В Божественной Литургии принял участие игумен монастыря архимандрит Феодосий и другие представители духовенства, а также присуствовали на заседании Преосвященных Митрополитов Аттики и Виолии Хризостовма и Димитриоса, Фотия и Архиепископа Гардикийского Климента.

 In the Divine Liturgy, there  took part the abbot of the monastery, Archimandrite Theodosius and other representatives of the clergy, which were present, for  the ceremonial welcoming  at the church door, of Their Graces: The  Metropolitans of Attica and Viola, Chrysostom and Dimitrios and Photius, and the Archbishop of Gardicia, Clement.

В своей речи архиепископ Амвросий отметил, что сегодня праздник святого, который выступал с защитой Православных догматов против арианской ереси и мужественно отстаивал их перед Императором Феодосием Великим.

In his speech, Archbishop Ambrose of Methone, noted that today is the feast of the saint, who defended the Orthodox dogmas against the Arian heresy and courageously defended them before the Emperor Theodosius the Great.

 Также был сделан акцент на том, что Господь дал нам Соборную Апостольскую Церковь о которой Господь нам указывал нам в св.

Also, emphasis was placed on the fact that the Lord gave us the Catholic-Universal  Apostolic Church, about which the Lord pointed out to us in St. Евангелии. The Holy Gospel.

После Литургии было устроено чествование Архиепископа Мефонского Амвросия архиереями и высокопоставленными лицами княжества Монако.

 After the Liturgy, the Archbishop Ambrose was honoured by the  Metropolitan, and by the other  bishops and also by high-ranking officials of the Principality of
.... 'Monaco'-(?) -unclear if this is correct source-information......or a miss-translation......?.
Источник A source

Mount Athos visit, November, 1944:

Shared by Archimandrite Alexius in the UK:
A fascinating visit & report, in November, 1944, [-narrated in English], to Mount Athos by New Zealander WWII Soldiers-
to thank the monks for sheltering allied soldiers from the Nazi occupier's.

Bless! Sent me by the lady that came and asked intelligent questions after the Liturgy a few weeks back.

From: Julie
Subject: "A Visit to Mount Athos, November 1944" A rare piece of WWII Athonite Hi...
Date: 2 January 2018 at 20:32:35 GMT
November 1944. Three New Zealand servicemen went to Mount Athos, a peninsular in the northern part of Greece, to present citations to various Monasteries whi...

About the Incarnation of Our Lord, from 'Concerning the  Catechism':
From GOC parish priest in Portland, Oregon, Fr. Photios Cooper-

From: Fr. Photios Cooper <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2018 7:17 AM
Subject: Catechism: The Incarnation
My friends,
Here is the first installment of the catechism I said I would start sending out. I decided to start with the Incarnation, considering the great Feast of the Nativity is just around the corner. Please remember the words of Fr. Seraphim Rose: “If we don’t live Orthodoxy, we simply are not Orthodox, no matter what formal beliefs we might hold.

Concerning the Incarnation

I believe and confess that, from the moment of His conception in the virginal womb, Jesus Christ was one Person, one Hypostasis, having two natures: the fulness of the divine nature and the fulness of the human nature. From the moment of His conception, and before birth, during birth and after birth, He was perfect God and perfect man. I believe and confess that the most Holy Virgin Mary, after the image of the bush which burned and was not consumed, received the fire of the Godhead in herself without being consumed thereby. I believe and confess that she gave of her blood and of her flesh to the Incarnate Word and that she fed Him with her milk; I confess that Christ’s Incarnation was real and that His body was a human body.

I believe and confess that Jesus Christ was, in His Godhead, begotten of the Father outside of time without a mother, and that in His Incarnation, He was conceived and born in the flesh from His Mother within time, without a father. He is without mother in His divinity, and without father in His manhood.

I believe and confess, therefore, that through the Incarnation, the most Holy Virgin Mary became the Theotokos — the Mother of God — in history. She was a virgin before Christ’s birth, a virgin during His birth and a virgin after His birth. Even as Jesus Christ arose from the dead and came forth from the tomb although the Jews had sealed His tomb with a stone, and even as He entered into the midst of His disciples while the doors were shut, so also did He pass through the virginal womb without destroying the virginity of Mary or causing the travail of birth. Even as the Red Sea remained untrodden after the passage of Israel, so did the Virgin remain undefiled after giving birth to Emmanuel. She is the gate “which remained shut” (44:2), proclaimed by the Prophet Ezekiel, through which God entered into the world.

A word from Fr. Photios on icons of the Directress and general icons on the Mother of God: There is an understandable inclination when one sees an icon of the Mother of God holding the Christ-Child for one to be moved to feelings of maternal love for a child. After all, one of these types of icons is called "Tenderness". Indeed, the Theotokos did love her Son, and that is nowhere disputed.

While our emotions may rightly be moved when seeing such an icon, we must remember that this type of icon of the Theotokos is a doctrinal icon. I have seen some abuses regarding this among other types of icons. The Theotokos' relation to us is primarily one of Directress, showing the way to heaven. "She who shows the way".

It is also importantly doctrinal in that "... from the moment of His conception in the virginal womb, Jesus Christ was one Person, one Hypostasis, having two natures: the fullness of the divine nature and the fullness of the human nature. From the moment of His conception, and before birth, during birth and after birth, He was perfect God and perfect man." and so this icon of Him with His Mother is important to show Who and What He really was, in denial of those heretics who believed differently. For the Jehovah's Witnesses, the icon of the Theotokos is an apologetic statement proclaiming the falseness of their beliefs. They do not believe in the Incarnation, nor do they reverence the Theotokos and her role in it. They are modern Arians.

God be with you all. Remember: Learn your faith, and teach it to your children! Without it, we are not Orthodox!

I hope to see you all at the Nativity services.

Fr. Photios

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