Sunday, February 4, 2018

about the MP-granted: 'autocephaly' to the North American Metropolia,

& WOW! Now in electronic form, so everyone can easily read it: "A History of The Russian Church Abroad, 1917-1970", and about the MP-granted: 'autocephaly' to the North American Metropolia, etc.


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Dan Everiss

Sat, Feb 3, 2018 at 2:16 PM

 My introduction to this valuable historic text: Which is a MUST READ for all truth-seekers:

This study is about the number one best history, in English,  of Russian Church Abroad history from 1917-1970,  and it especially is super valuable as it documents the shameful betrayal of the 'OCA', into its actual submission [which was miss-labeled as:  'autocephaly' i.e.  'independence'!] .... to the communist Stalin-created in 1943, bogus and uncanonical and apostate, 'Moscow Patriarchy' in 1970.

That 'Moscow Patriarchy', still to this day, is totally controlled and run by its KGB/FSB masters  ....for its evil world-wide military, political and economic domination schemes and goals.

When this study came out and I was blessed to read and absorb it, this was a major influence on my difficult decision to finally, leave the "OCA", of which I had been a loyal and active member of for many years, and to flee to the canonical and fully ORTHODOX, Russian Church Abroad.

But, I remember very well, when I was still in the old North American Russian Metropolia
...which was renamed in 1970, 'The Orthodox Church in America,. the actions of Arch-priest Alexander Schmeman, who went all over the country, and preached in two languages, Russian and English the rousing message:

 "We have gained something very valuable to our church from Moscow,[i.e. our canonical independence] 
 and they [i.e. the Moscow Patriarchy] have gotten nothing  in return! We have fooled them!"~

But what actually did the communist front called the Moscow Patriarchy get 'in return'?
It certainly was a lot more than, 'nothing'...!!!

They got three major victories:

1) they further split and greatly weakened the unity of the world-wide anti-communist Russian diaspora-

2) they got RECOGNITION ...that their totally controlled and uncanonical bogus 'church' was THE valid 'Mother Russian Orthodox Church'-which it never was, nor is now.

3) The Kremlin  thus gained a foothold into the American scene, by using their devoted and obedient sympathetic OCA clergy and many thousands of laity in America (America being, still in their evil communist eyes, their number one enemy in the whole world, to be their Fifth-Column  agents, and mouthpieces  inside of their enemy country, and where possible to utilize as propagandists and as spies and espionage agents..."for Mother Russia".

To this vey day, the OCA,  now coupled with the traitor ROCOR/MP, ...are in fact, dupes
 and delusional servants of Vladimir Putin and his Kremlin KGB/FSB gang. They speak for 'Sincere Orthodox Christian' Putin here.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin being the real MP 'Patriarch', the actual head of the false, -'Mother Russian Church'.

*Still, to this day, one never hears nor reads of any open or public OCA criticisms of the MP or of its true head, Vladimir Putin - only praise & a steady stream of  defenses of him and his MP church, and with continual mutual fraternal clerical 'visits' and co-operation.

The MP steadily also, pushes the OCA into more and more ecumenist betrayal of the Orthodox Faith....for its world-wide power goals.

Also, more and more MP clergy from Putin's Russia, are relocating to America and are taking over many larger and older OCA parishes here.

But from OCA clergy and laity, one does hear and read,  of their mindlessly parroting of the Kremlin's current and often anti-American propaganda line! I am a personal witness to this.

Now, Hilarion Kapral's ROCOR/MP does the same, even on the internet.

Retired Reader Daniel Everiss in Oregon

P.S. So, in fact, the communist-Moscow Patriarchy and their true communist masters, got A LOT in repayment for their graciously granting their ILLEGITIMATE Tomos of 'autocephaly' to the North American Russian Metropolia, which was in fact in canonical schism from the Russian Church Abroad, a schism lead by Bp. Platon  Roshdyestvensky since  the early 1920's.

It takes awhile to read all of this, but it is well worth the time and patience. Today, I spent most of this day, re-reading all of It, to refresh my memory.

1 comment:

  1. Also see:
    Bp. Grabbe on Metropolia's Autocephaly Orthodox Life magazine 1970


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